Moon HyunA (문현아)


Moon Hyuna was in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Star with DJ Isak. Moon Hyuna (문현아) debuted as a member of Nine Muses (나인뮤지스) in 2010 under Star Empire Entertainment (스타제국). She made her solo debut in 2016 under Daynite Records.

– She recently came back from traveling to Thailand, Saipan, and Switzerland.
– She teamed up with a travel agency for the trip to Switzerland, and they took to several different places ranging from really cold to summer weather.
– Remedy Take 2 on this album is a remake of the original remedy which was released as a gift to the fans when she released her book. Remedy Take 2 is a softer version.
– She prefers being with people who are similar to herself that are very adventurous, and doing new things.
– When traveling she prefers going to new places, rather than places she’s been before.
– Lately she has been trying to find her own specially shade of sky blue when editing her photos.
– When she doesn’t leaves the house she doesn’t like to shower too much. This is how she keeps her skin looking nice.
– She would like to put out a reggae remake to one of her songs. She believes that there is a time for music. When the time is write it will happen.


Q & A::
Q: With all the traveling and schedules how did you get this album finished?
A: If she finds certain sources while traveling she would send clips to her production team and they would build on it.

Q: What movie would you like your song to be part of?
A: There’s no specific movie, but she would like to have her song be the main soundtrack for a romance movie, or as the soundtrack of a really good book.

Live Performance::
Remedy Take 2

Filed under: Interview

Nam Taehyun (남태현) & South Club (사우스클럽)


Nam Taehyun and South Club were in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Rookie with DJ Isak. Nam Taehyun (남태현) made his original debut in 2014 as a member of Winner (위너) under YG Entertainment. He debuted again in 2017 as a member of co-ed group South Club (사우스클럽) under South Buyers Club (사우스바이어스클럽).

Nam Taehyun (남태현) – Leader, Vocalist
Kang Koon Ku (강군구) – Guitarist
Choi Yoon Hwi (최윤회) – Keyboardist
Kim Eui Myeong (김의명) – Bassist
Jang Won Young (장원영) – Drummer


– They’ve been having lots of live performances to the point they are scared the fans will get bored with them.
– Taehyun thought band music was appealing particularly Blues music.
– When rearranging tracks it seems Taehyun wants the members to give honest feedback without holding back.
– When it comes to food if someone says let’s get this they’ll just agree, but since they’re all looking out for their physical appearance they don’t eat much.
– Taehyun does try to look out for everyone.
– The member who talks the most in their group chat is Taehyun.
– Taehyun is very tedious and a perfectionist when it comes to his music.
– No one has a lot of girl group songs on their phone, but Taehyun likes Red Velvet.
– According to Taehyun, Wonyoung sends the most random messages in their group chat.
– Koonku has never seen Taehyun sleeping, so he is not sure if he has any sleeping habits.
– Koonku loves noodles, especially the Japanese style of black bean noodles.
– Taehyun has a lot of tattoos, but he doesn’t know exactly how many he has, and has no plans for more currently.
– They would both like to learn English.
– They would like to do more TV shows but haven’t been getting many calls as of yet.
– Taehyun wants to do commercials, he not being picky about what the commercial is for, just that it’s be a commercial.


Q & A::
Q: How did you all met?
A: The Taehyun met the bassist and keyboardist at church. Then later the bassist introduced him to Koonku and Wonyoung.

Q: What is your song writing process? How do you make your music?
A: When making music the sometimes have jam sessions and try to find a line or a chord that sounds good and build from there. There are songs that Taehyun has written that they bring back out and rework. Then there are times when Koonku will just be playing some chords, and they’ll build something from that.

Q: What inspired you to get into music?
A: Koonku started learning guitar because he followed a friend who was going to guitar lessons. Taehyun has always wanted to become an artist, but started focusing seriously on making music when he was a sophomore in high school.

Live Performance::
Believe U (Acoustic Guitar Live)

Filed under: Interview

Vanilla Mousse (바닐라무스)


Vanilla Mousse was in the SoundK studio for You Who Came from the Stars with DJ Leah. Vanilla Mousse (바닐라무스) is a co-ed group that debuted in 2015 under Keiz Entertainment (케이즈 엔터테이먼트).

Jinhwan (김진환) – Bassist
Sungho (이성호) – Leader, Guitar
Arim (아림) – Maknae, Vocalist


– Sungho is the project manager for their management company.
– Jinhwan considers himself the visual if the group.
– Jinhwan is a professor.
– Arim takes care if them when their drunk.
– They had their first concert on an April fools day. not many came. mainly family and friends.
– Jinhwan used to get embarrassed when he searched his name and he was the first Jinhwan to show up. Now since iKon, he is not at the top of the list so he feels relieved.
– Arim would buy games with ₩ 3000.
– They would sell rather eat only sausage for a week than only apples.
– Jinhwan would like to have an RV in the dessert.
– Arim has been learning kickboxing lately.


Q & A::
Q: How did Vanilla Mousse become the team name?
A: They were drunk one night and saw one sign that said vanilla and another that said mousse. So that is what they went with.

Q: Please tell the listeners about this song (Regret)?
A: Regret is about those times when you breakup with someone and see them again later and you get this pong in your heart where for a moment you regret what happened.

Live Performance::
Addiction & Regret

Filed under: Interview

Stella Jang (스텔라장)


Stella Jang was in the SuperKpop studio for Kpop Rising with DJ Sam. Stella Jang (스텔라장) debuted in 2014 under Grand Line Entertainment (그랜드라인엔터테인먼트).

– She speaks Korean, English, French fluently. She only speaks the very basics of Spanish, Chinese, German.
– Her real name is 장성은 (Jang Sung Eun).
– She started music because she was a big fan of Big Bang.
– The pink hair was a suggestion from her company that’s he went along with.
– Stella gets inspiration from the very basic details of her daily life, such as riding the bus, or being at home doing nothing.
– She would like to try songs that are more emo, and songs where the music and the lyrics match (sad,with sad, happy with happy).
– She considers 그대는 그대로 (You as you are) to be special to her because it was 100% her and what she wanted to hear.
– Stella her up and down moments, and her mood can swing suddenly.
– 그대는 그대로 (You as you are) was written as a way to tell all the people expecting things of her, and telling her how to live her life to let Stella be Stella.
– She has 2 cats and she’s had them since 2015 because she wanted a pet in her home. She had to convince her parents to allow them. Together their names are Elegance. One cat is Ele, and the other is Gance.
– Her idol is 이적 (Lee Juk), and she would like to collaborate with.


Q & A::
Q: Please tell us a bit about your new song?
A: It was a hidden track on the v app from a project that was between Musicians League, Naver, and the V app. 그대는 그대로 (You as you are) is about a constellation, and was written during a time in her life when she was struggling with her future. She wanted to get back up again.

Q: What can you tell us about 월급은 통장을 그칠 뿐 (vanishing paycheck)?
A: It’s about her time working at a French company in Korea. It’s a time she like because there were no late nights for her, and she was able to speak in three language regularly.

Q: What is Alright about?
A: It is a breakup song and is about a girl who says she is alright after everything is said and done.

Live Performance::

Filed under: Interview

Marmalade Kitchen (마멀레이드 키친)


Marmalade Kitchen was in the SuperKpop studio for Kpop Rising with DJ Sam. Marmalade Kitchen (마멀레이드 키친) is a co-ed indie duo group that debuted in 2012 and is currently under Zeom Entertainment (제오엠 엔터테인먼트).

Lyni Daddy (리니대디) – Pianist, Song Writer
Dolly (달리) – Vocalist
Jean Pierre – Session Guitarist


– They’ve haven’t really had any fights yet, but they’ve also only been together as a unit since October 2016.
– Lyni favorite jam is strawberry jam, and Dolly’s favorite jam is a peach-like jam.
– Dolly is the type of girl to say what she wants to say, in other words if she is feeling a certain emotion she will say so, and tell Lyni why she is feeling that way.
– Dolly like to eat bread and has a bit of a western style taste in food, and Lyni likes stew ( similar to the insides of animal made into stew).
– John Pierre eats the most, but he has lost 13 kilo from dieting so he could join Dolly on stage and give her support.
– Dolly got her start in music at music school, singing in karaoke rooms and sometimes getting 100%, she was part of her high school band, and it went from there.
– Lyni got his start in music his mother kind of forced him to learn a bit of piano, he played the piano in church and also learned to play drums. Lyni’s mother was very supportive of him wanting a career in music, but instead of playing drums he went into writing music. That was rather difficult, until he saw someone making music using a computer.
– Dolly’s vocal coach is another artist under their label, and he invited her to audition for Marmalade Kitchen, once Lyni Daddy heard her voice, he said she had to be in the group with him and wanted to sign the contract right away.


Q & A::
Q: Where does the name Marmalade Kitchen come from?
A: It’s a reflection of collaboration between music and food. They want to share tasty music like warm sweet jam.

Q: Please tell us a bit about 토닥토닥 (Patting)?
A: For the past few years South Korea has been going through some struggles, and they wanted to do a song that was kind of uplifting for the nation. It was written and produced between the two of them. It is also the first song they’ve written together.

Q: What are the pros and cons of being a co-ed group?
A: One of the pros is that Dolly can bring the female perspective to their music, and Lyni can bring the male perspective, so that their music and attempt to appeal to both side of the spectrum. One con is that when they go on trips they have to have separate rooms, thus spending more money. If they were two girls, or two guys they could share a room and save money.

Live Performance::
토닥토닥 (Patting) & 몰래보기 (A Furtive Glance)

Filed under: Interview

Live High (리브하이)


Live High was in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Star with DJ Isak. Live High (리브하이) is a girl group that debuted in 2013 under Red Creative Company (레드 크리에이티브 컴퍼니).

Kabin (가빈) – Leader, Rapper
Ceena (신아) – Vocalist
Rhea (레아) – Vocalist
Bohye (보혜) – Maknae, Vocalist


– Rhea loves shopping and clothes, she’s the type to have several copies of the same clothing item, but in different colors.
– They are known as healing idols.
– They did a TV show through youtube where all four members took the test to get scuba diving licenses. They all passed the test.
– Kabin likes to write lyrics.
– They’ve been going overseas a lot, and also have a Chinese version of their lead single for their new album.
– Ceena was voted the prettiest member because she’s so skinny.
– Kabin thinks the happiest thing in the world is eating.
– If a member was dropped onto a deserted island Rhea & Bohye would be most likely to survive. Rhea because she’s such an active person, and Bohye because the way her body shaped she seems like it be tough for bugs and animals to take her down.
– Kabin was voted most likely to stay in her hotel room when they go on vacation, because even in the dorm she likes to be on her bed. She even does her work out routine on her bed most of the time.
– Ceena and Rhea said the member they really can’t take is Kabin because she sleeps all day, and they have to do everything for her.


Q & A::
Q: Please introduce 꿍따리 샤바라 (Kung Ddari Sha Bah Rah) to the listeners.
A: 꿍따리 샤바라 (Kung Ddari Sha Bah Rah) is a summer track that’s meant to be a healing song. They wanted to give a message of dreams, and happiness. It is their remake of Clone’s track. It features a rap section written by Kabin. The point / key part of the choreography is the train dance.

Q: The MV hasn’t come out yet which parts do you hope makes the final cut?
A: They had to dance on really hot sand, and it was painful for them, but in the clip that Ceena saw it looked really refreshing. She hopes that part makes it into the MV release.

Q: If you could only take one member on a trip who would you take and why?
A: Bohye got the most votes because she is the youngest and they would make her do all the work.

Live Performance::
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up (Live High cover version)

Filed under: Interview