Moon HyunA (문현아)


Moon Hyuna was in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Star with DJ Isak. Moon Hyuna (문현아) debuted as a member of Nine Muses (나인뮤지스) in 2010 under Star Empire Entertainment (스타제국). She made her solo debut in 2016 under Daynite Records.

– She recently came back from traveling to Thailand, Saipan, and Switzerland.
– She teamed up with a travel agency for the trip to Switzerland, and they took to several different places ranging from really cold to summer weather.
– Remedy Take 2 on this album is a remake of the original remedy which was released as a gift to the fans when she released her book. Remedy Take 2 is a softer version.
– She prefers being with people who are similar to herself that are very adventurous, and doing new things.
– When traveling she prefers going to new places, rather than places she’s been before.
– Lately she has been trying to find her own specially shade of sky blue when editing her photos.
– When she doesn’t leaves the house she doesn’t like to shower too much. This is how she keeps her skin looking nice.
– She would like to put out a reggae remake to one of her songs. She believes that there is a time for music. When the time is write it will happen.


Q & A::
Q: With all the traveling and schedules how did you get this album finished?
A: If she finds certain sources while traveling she would send clips to her production team and they would build on it.

Q: What movie would you like your song to be part of?
A: There’s no specific movie, but she would like to have her song be the main soundtrack for a romance movie, or as the soundtrack of a really good book.

Live Performance::
Remedy Take 2

Filed under: Interview