Kim Younggeun (김영근)


Kim Younggeun was in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Rookie with DJ Isak. Kim Younggeun (김영근) debuted in 2017 under CJ Entertainment.

– He was the Superstar K 2016 winner.
– He is a member of Deepkiss.
– Younggeun tries not to, but every once in awhile he’ll scroll down and see the comments.
– If he could only eat one dish for the rest of his life it would be ramen, especially if he could still be healthy.
– He would like to go to Venice and sing to fans on the gondolas.
– Singing the hook of a Hiphop song is something he would like to do.
– Before going on stage he chants to himself that he can do it. Then he shakes himself out of his tension so he can go on stage and perform.
-He is not sure but he thinks the lock screen on his phone is a picture of his crew. He put a picture there and hasn’t paid attention to it since.
– When it comes to his voice sleep is very important to him, along with A hot shower.
– Younggeun has weak vocal cords so he doesn’t talk unless he has to, but he makes sure his throat stays moist for when he needs to talk or sing.


Q & A::
Q: What was it that made you want to do music.
A: When he was 6 is mom sent him to learn how to play the piano. If he heard a song he would start playing the melody on the piano. He would always are with “singer” when asked what he wanted to be.

Live Performance::
아랫담길 (Under Wall Road)

Filed under: Interview