Stay Puller (스테이플러)


Stay Puller was in the Kpoppin’ studio for Be My Super Rookie with DJ Isak. Stay Puller (스테이플러) is a co-ed Indie group that debuted in 2017 under Mindmill Ent.

Shinik (신익) – Leader, Guitarist, Vocalist
Jiho (지호) – Drummer
Yunhee (연희) – Keyboardist, Pianist, Synthesizer
Hyunsang (현상) -Guitarist
Suhyun (수현) – Maknae, Bassist


– In his free time Hyunsang like to go out and see the sights since he hasn’t been on Jeju Island very long. He came down to Jeju and about 4 months later he joined Stay Puller.
– They’ve been about year that they’ve been a band.
– Stay Puller is a local Jeju Island band.
– The Leader, Shinik, is from Jeju then he moved to Seoul, and came back to Jeju and was thinking about his existence in Jeju. “Yhy did I come back?” is a question he often thought about.
– Their group chat is only for work.
– Two members live on the other side of the island from the other members.
– If something happens to the vocalist can Jiho take over, according to the other members he sings along during practices so he knows the lyrics and he has a nice voice.
– Shinik chose all the members himself.
– They don’t spend much time together outside of work, because they don’t live close enough together.
– Suhyun thinks the is something charming about Cellos.
– Shinik would like to try bass if he were born again.


Q & A::
Q: Have you ever had writers block?
A: Shinik feels like he’s in a bit of a slump right now, because the lyrics for one of the songs he is working on for their next album is evading him. The music is ready but the lyrics aren’t coming to him.

Q: What is one thing you like the most about Jeju?
A: Shinik – going up to Halla-san Mountain the winter time.
Hyunsang – bicycling on Udo Island.

Q: Future plans?
A: They will be part of Arirang Radios open mic performances. They hope to have their next album out before the year is over.

Live Performance::
가시나무 (Thorn Tree)

Filed under: Interview