The Barberettes (바버렛츠)


The Barberettes were in the SuperKpop studio for Kpop Rising with DJ Sam. The Barberettes (바버렛츠) is a retro doo-wop indie trio that debuted in 2012 under Eggplant (에그플랜트).

Shinae (안신애 Wheeler) – Leader, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist
Sunni (이선니) – Vocalist, Violinist, Flutist
Sohee (박소희) – Maknae, Vocalist, Pianist


– ‘Summer Love’ is a very cute, light and airy song.
– Shinae speaks almost fluent English. She is often translating for the members at interviews and such.
– ‘Shoo’ on the Barberettes Summer is written about Kang Daniel in Produce 101 when he had pink hair. Shinae fan girls very hard for him.
– Pizza is high on their list of favorite foods.
– Shinae eats the most. Currently her favorite food is Pho (Vietnamese noodle dish). Her favorite food changes frequently.
– When they first start the album process they have writing sessions. Sometimes they start from scratch with the piano all together. Sometimes Shinae writes the song and then they discuss the lyrics.
– International artist they would like to collaborate with Michael Buble, Bruno Mars, and any female performer from the 60s.
– Sunni like running and yoga. Shinae admires sports (watching others do sports).


Q & A::
Q: Can you please tell us about your tour?
A: They just cme back from an international tour which was split into 2 parts. The first part of the tour was US, England, Rome, Italy, Paris and other locations, and the second part of the tour was in Spain, and five different cities in France.

Q: Why did you pick the name Barberettes?
A: They wanted to practice the barber shop harmony. They put “ettes” to blend in with other groups from that time period. Also when females work at barber shops they are called Barberettes.

Q: Do you ever get writer block?
A: Always. It’s always a repeating cycle of doing well good, and doing not so well. Making an album is like putting a puzzle together. Finding the right pieces at the right time can be a challenge. There is nothing that give a greater feeling of accomplishment than when we’ve completed album that paints the picture we want to share.

Live Performance::
‘Summer Love’ & ‘Rum and Coka Cola’

Filed under: Interview